Is your Rental Room Legal?

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For working individuals, they tend to do things and buy things that will save them money. Even if you earn more than enough, it is still good to manage your finances and set aside some for your savings.

One way that a person can save money is to rent small rooms or spare bedrooms in someone’s house. Or you may be a property owner who wants to earn extra money by renting out a spare room in your house. Either way, you should know if it is legal or not before someone complains and reports you. Here are the ways to check if the rental room is legal in all aspects.

It is a separate unit

There may be a part of your property that was built for a different reason and has become an extension of the original house. It may not be occupied now, and you plan on renting it out to gain income.

If you have a room or unit in the property that can function as a separate dwelling in itself and has the proper permit, it is considered legal. It will typically have a separate entrance and plumbing.

It abides by the law

A good landlord should know and follow the state laws of his area. These laws are your guide to operate your rental business properly. It will also help you avoid legal battles in the long run.

There are state laws that will allow a maximum number of unrelated people living in one property. There are some laws which include the number of people allowed depending on how big the area is. You must know them to avoid violations that can bring you problems.

It is safe

When I say safe, I mean safe from fire-related incidents. Some regulations include having windows in the room. I’m not talking about small windows, either. They should be big enough for a person to climb out of in the event of a fire. If a rental room has no windows, you can definitely say that it is not legal, and you should not rent it out to anyone. 

It is secured

Having a secured place for your tenant is a must. If anything bad happens to them while they are inside your property, you can be held liable. Be sure to meet the required standard for security in your property.

You should provide locks that are harder to break open. You should also limit or discourage the tenant to duplicate his key and giving it to other people. The more people who have a key, the more the safety is compromised. Once the tenant ends his lease, change the locks to the unit.

It has a steady water supply

The tenant is entitled to use the amenities of the property, particularly the ones that cater to their basic needs. This includes having access to a water supply. As paying tenants, they have the right to have enough water supply for their daily activities. They should also have a functioning plumbing system. If these are not available to them, then it is not considered a legal rental room.

These are only a few things that could make or break your rental unit, and you have to make sure that you meet all of them. It is important to know the legalities when you enter a business like this. One little mistake can cost you your permit and you might have trouble getting tenants in the future.

But if you are a hundred percent sure that your unit checks off all of these requirements, go right ahead with your plans. Remember to advertise using Padleads. They will let you create your listing and will help you forward it to other popular websites frequented by potential tenants.

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