A rental property does not have to stay the same forever. A landlord can always make changes to it for improvement. However, making changes to property does have pros and cons. Pros? It can increase the property’s value, and it will have more to offer the tenants. Cons? The landlord will have to spend a lot of money on it.
Nowadays, some landlords have decided on greening their property. It has become a trend with some age groups to find properties that offer environment-friendly features. As a leasing agent, you must know to market these types of properties to tenants. Part of your job is knowing what the market wants. So that once you post a property listing for an eco-friendly house at Padleads, it will draw the attention of tenants. It will even attract more renters once you syndicate it to other websites frequented by environmental individuals.
Some landlords will think twice because of the expenses, but evolving along with the behavior and interests of customers will ensure a long-term stay. It will still benefit the landlords. So, how can a landlord go green?
• Safe paint
A good landlord must put thought into what goes into the property. It includes the materials used in it. If he can afford to have it repainted, I suggest that he use non-VOC paint.
We are familiar with latex and oil paint because they are the usual paint used in our homes. However, these paints release VOC or volatile organic compounds that are unhealthy. VOCs can cause nausea and can irritate the eyes and throat.
• Shower-heads
People are now getting conscious about conserving energy and water. Water is a basic need for everyone, and taking a bath is an everyday thing. Landlords can’t dictate the tenant’s shower duration or limit the amount of water they use, but there is something they can do to conserve the water resource.
Another idea for an eco-friendly feature is putting in low-flow shower-heads. They decrease the amount of water that comes through, but they don’t change the water pressure. Installing this in the property will help save money on the water bill.
• LED lights
Property features that can conserve energy are another thing to consider. Using LED lights will help make this possible. Not only does it require less energy, but they are safe too. LED lights do not emit UV rays or any chemicals. Some people are not aware that halogen light contains mercury.
LED lights will also last longer than halogen and fluorescent lights. This will benefit everyone because there is no need to change bulbs often. The idea is cost-efficient and energy-efficient. Need I say more?
• Eco-friendly appliances
Energy conservation is not limited to using LED lights. It is also a good idea to have eco-friendly appliances on the property. Yes, there are such things in the market.
For example, landlords can buy an electric kettle instead of the traditional one. Electric kettles will automatically turn off once the water boils. It will help avoid prolonged usage of energy.
• Going digital
Being eco-friendly does not only apply to the properties. Landlords can implement eco-friendly practices in property management as well. How? They can go digital and lessen their carbon footprint.
If the landlord embraces technology and goes paperless, it will contribute to the cause. There are plenty of things they can do like accepting online tenant applications, send emails, store their documents in the cloud, and more.
Some landlords are skeptical and hesitant. But that is because they aren’t familiar with the concept of going green. Knowing about the importance of this will surely enlighten them. And you already know a lot about it, right? Help them to make the switch now.