Everyday Tasks: Maximize your Time (don’t waste it!) with these Tips

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You have a lot on your plate being a landlord. You have tenants to entertain, applicants to screen, and a building to run. Your time is valuable. You spend the majority of your day being a landlord and sometimes it goes beyond the time that is expected of you. It is important to use your time wisely and here’s how:

Organize a daily schedule.

 With all the things that you have to do, it is helpful to arrange the day to day activities or checklists to not forget important tasks. Also, start as early as you can. That way, you can accomplish more and even finish early to enjoy the rest of your day. Starting early means having enough time to carry out the things you need to do and make time for yourself as well. That way, you won’t get overwhelmed or bombarded. Make it a habit to follow a routine.

Do not spend too much time on emails and messages.

Since you have tenants that send you emails every day, it will take too much of your time in responding. This will result in you not accomplishing anything else for the rest of your day.

The best thing to do is allot only a few hours of your day to respond to emails, which can be distributed 2-3 different times of the day. That way, they won’t have to wait too long for your response. Strictly follow your schedule. If you start responding to messages at random times, you’ll find yourself answering to all of them.

Do one task at a time.

Finish one thing first before doing anything else. It can be overwhelming when you’re juggling two or three things at the same time. This will result in you not doing a good job or not finishing anything at all. If you focus only on one thing, it will be done faster compared to doing a lot of things at the same time and not fully focusing on them. This is why it is important to follow a schedule.

Avoid social media.

Social media, nowadays, takes up so much of our lives that the first thing people reach for when they wake up is their smartphones to check their updates from their socials. You can easily spend hours in the several accounts that you have online without noticing how much time has passed. Avoid checking your accounts whenever you’re doing something important. If possible, do not install social media apps on your phone to avoid temptation.

Allot time for screening applicants

As you receive rental applications after publishing your listing at online property management platforms like Padleads.com, set a substantial amount of time to carefully screen them. Always check the platform if there are new leads who are showing interest in your listings. It is important to include it in your to-do list.

Do not take on too many tasks.

Sometimes it can be hard to say no to what is asked of you. As a landlord, you would want to accommodate everyone and respond to their needs. However, saying yes to all of their requests is also a bad idea. You can’t possibly fit all of it in one day. You have to set a limit on how many tasks you can finish. Accepting several tasks that you know you will not be able to finish on time can result in disappointing your tenants. Prioritize your tasks and inform your tenants if there will be delays in their requests.

Time is precious and should be used for productivity and getting things done. If you maximize your time wisely, you will have the chance to do everything and also make time for yourself.

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