Businesses landlords Should Partner With

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When running a business, it is important to have that steady flow of income that will cover your financial needs and more. The main goal is to establish yourself as a well-known and well-built business.

But once you have that habitual flow of things, you might contemplate on upgrading the services you offer to your tenants. It is probably about time that you consider partnering up with other businesses to take things up to a higher level.

Partnering with local businesses will also help you with marketing your rentals. At the same time, you are also helping them gain customers through referrals. Networking can help a lot in your business. It’s a win-win for all of you.

Let me give you a list of business agencies that you can partner with.

· Veterinary clinics

Assuming that you allow pets inside the rented properties, partnering up with this business can certainly appeal to your pet-owner tenants. It is important for pet owners to have a go-to clinic for their furry little friends and this will make it easier for them if you already have a recommended vet.

You could provide your tenants with helpful information on your pet-friendly units. Veterinary clinics can also give out valuable insights to take care for them cause the lack of pet care can negatively impact your rental units.

· Gyms

Partnering with a gym can project an image of a landlord who knows and cares about the needs of the tenants, even physiologically. You can collaborate on membership discounts for your tenants that will motivate them to use this perk. You can offer this for new renters for the first few months. In return, it will promote your local gym and will be referred by your tenants to other people.

You can also ask them to set up a workout space in your property for a few weeks for free and they can do all the advertising that they want during that period.

· Landscape agencies

This is one of the companies that will greatly help you. To rent out a property, you must make it visually attractive to people. When you partner with a landscaping company, they might give you discounts if you avail of their services for all your properties. This will also give them the chance to showcase what they can do and it will be an advertisement on their own. What better way to promote them than showing off their actual work, right? Make sure that you give them the chance to hand out flyers when you hold an open house.

A well-maintained landscape also makes great property listing photos which you can use in your Padleads listing so that it’s more enticing to home hunters.

· Furniture shops

An open house is often done to show a property that you are trying to rent out to several potential tenants at the same time. This actually can save you a lot of time too. It is best to fill the property with furniture during an open house to give them an idea of how it would look once it is filled up with furnishings and fixtures.

This is where the furniture shop comes in handy. Strike up a deal with them that you will make use of their furniture during an open house and invite someone to represent them should there be any queries about their products. Not all of those who are invited will be chosen to rent your property but they can purchase furniture from the shop if they like them.

Related article: Is a furnished rental a worthier investment?

· Remodeling Agencies

The whole image of your property plays a very important role in this business. A tenant will most likely check out the eye-catching properties first. It is a good idea to collaborate with this kind of company to help you with the structural needs and design should you want to upgrade or add anything.

They can also refer you to house hunters if you have a vacant unit for renting. This is free advertising and you will be grateful for all of that.

Collaborating with these companies will be a great marketing tool for you and you will be helping them out too. Also, do not forget to include some of these additional perks when you create your listing at Padleads before you syndicate them to high-traffic rental websites frequented by your future tenants.

You should always think of ways to improve and be better. It should not stop once you find a tenant because there will always be something more you can do for your business.

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