Effective Ways to Make your Tenants’ Lives Easier

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If you are a landlord, property manager, or rental agent, your job does not stop once a vacancy has been filled. It is a continuous process up until a lease agreement is terminated. A healthy relationship with your tenants should be formed to avoid any issues and concerns, that is why you must do everything you can to make some things a bit easier for them. If all goes well, a lease renewal and excellent reviews are a big possibility.

We have to remember that the properties will be our tenants’ home. They have to feel comfortable living in it and there are a lot of things you can do to make it happen. It does not have to be grand gestures. Even the simplest things can make a big difference. Here are a few tips for you.

Establish a good relationship

You have to balance this accordingly. Being too friendly is not advisable because it eliminates necessary boundaries. You can still have a good relationship with them while staying professional. Be approachable enough that they can ask for your help without hesitation.

Picture this: a new tenant moves in from a different state and does not know a single soul in the area except you. It can be very stressful for them and it can affect their day to day functions. As someone who knows the area and the people, you can assist them by orienting them on how to get to the supermarkets, hospitals, and other establishments that they might need to know about. Even by simply pointing out the different transportations they can use is helpful. Building a good rapport with your tenants is the first step to a healthy relationship.

Be considerate of their expenses

Even though you are operating a business, there are instances that you have to give some human considerations to your tenants, especially when it comes to finances.

One good example is the current health crisis. Lately, the whole world has been struggling due to a pandemic. It did not only affect the healthcare system but has greatly affected the economy as well. Stores are closing down; people are being laid off by their companies so some of your tenants might be going through a financial problem. One option you should consider is coming up with an adjustment to the rent and other fees.

You should also be reasonable when implementing rent increases. Make sure that you give them a head’s up and you can justify the reason for the increase.

Maintain the property in good condition

Having a place to live and sleep in is not enough. You have to assist them in making it a place where they are comfortable. They are likely to stay for a few years depending on their lease and in those few years, they should be able to feel at home.

Some tenants prefer that their apartments are fully furnished by the time they move in. If you decide to furnish your rentals, pay attention to details that can provide comfort, and can give off homey vibes. Some would want to decorate it themselves. You can allow this, but also set limits.

When you create your listing at Padleads and you have a fully furnished unit, it is best to highlight the things that make the property home-like. This will make it more attractive to clients.

Offer options for other locations

When it comes to rental real estate, location matters. The whole area, not just the property itself, is a big factor. If you have multiple rental properties, you have to ask potential tenants what they want and offer them the best option you can offer. Maybe they want a location near their family, workplace, or an area with a hospital or school nearby. They will appreciate the thought that you considered their needs, rather than just filling in a vacancy.

It’s not that difficult to make the rental experience of your tenants easy and pleasant. Those little things can make a huge impact on their lives and it won’t be a surprise if they’ll keep renewing their lease or refer you to other clients.

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