Filling in a vacancy is not an easy task. It entails a lot of work and effort to prepare a property. Not to mention the task of finding a tenant for it. Fortunately, there are ways to make it easier, and you can learn about the dos and don’ts of renting everywhere.
There are several reasons why the tenants will go for a property, and you might already know most of them. Sometimes the property is all set up and ready, but nobody seems to want to rent it. It may confuse landlords and lease agents at times. But did you know there are various reasons why a property is still vacant?

• Property photos
You are probably familiar with the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words. People can make their impression with a few simple property pictures. With this in mind, don’t you think it’s a good idea to provide them with the best photos?
It is not enough to post pictures of the property with the sole purpose of simply having them. You have to catch the tenant’s eye with attractive photos of the property because that’s the first thing they will see.
To have beautiful photos, you can try using a good DSLR camera. You can try to invest in one because it will become useful in your line of work. Good lighting can also make a big difference. While taking pictures, you should turn on all the lights or open the windows to let in the natural light. You should also make sure that the property is clean and free of clutter.

• Pricing
One of the reasons why landlords can’t seem to acquire tenants is because of the rental price. They might think that their property is worth a lot and will charge more than they should.
Help the landlord re-evaluate the price. Compare it with other rental properties to know the average pricing. They might find it challenging to gain tenants due to overpricing. A small income is better than no income at all.
• Ads
The most important thing to remember is to have property advertisements everywhere. Nobody will rent a property if they don’t know about it, right? Getting your ads out there is crucial in filling in a vacancy.
Luckily, websites like Padleads will make this possible. By signing up, you can post property listings online to advertise the vacancy. The best part is you can syndicate those listings to other pages online and reach more people.

• Property showings
Showing the property off is part of finding tenants. Photos are not enough, and they will definitely want to see it in person. Explore different techniques on how you do your property showings to know which one is effetive in convincing your target market to rent. You can utilize online scheduling to offer them easier access to the property showing.
Many other factors will affect the ability to find renters. Even if you did avoid these things, sometimes it’s just not the right time. The time of year may also influence the chances of finding tenants.
For example, during the wintertime, most people would not want to move into a new home because of the holidays. You have to time it perfectly when a lot of people are looking for rentals. As much as possible, double your marketing efforts before the off-season.