Tips on How To Compose a Tenant Guest Policy

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All landlords want to have a problem-free experience with tenants for the whole duration of their lease. For that to happen, both parties should perform their obligations and follow what is stated in the lease agreement.

The lease agreement includes details about the property, the amount of the rent, the duration of the lease, etc. During the tenant’s lease, he is expected to follow the agreed-upon rules and policies stated on the contract.

It is best to finalize your rules before anything else because once you start to advertise, the applications will start coming in and you will not have the time to set your policies by then. I know you probably already want to post a property listing at Padleads soon and syndicate it to several websites, but let us discuss an important subject first.

There are several policies that a landlord can implement but today, we will be discussing the tenant guest policy. If you do not have one yet, here’s how you can write one.

All landlords dread the long-term guest who overstays their welcome and practically becomes an unofficial tenant. You know who I’m talking about. He may be a relative who planned to stay until he finds a job and afford a place of his own but never really did. He could also be your tenant’s friend who needed a place to stay for a few days, which then turned to months. The next thing you know, he’s receiving mail to that address and filing requests, yet you do not even know him.

This is why you need a tenant guest policy to regulate and avoid these situations. The screening process is being done for a reason and not everyone gets to pass that. And now, a stranger simply moves in without your approval.

Your policy should include:

Maximum number of residents in one unit

It should state that there is a limit to the number of people allowed to stay in your property. This will depend on how big the property is. For example, you will only allow three people living in the unit at a time. That way, they will be mindful not to overcrowd the place.

Maximum number of days a guest can stay

Make sure to specify the length of time a guest can stay over. This will help avoid the long-term guests. You can state that a tenant guest can stay in the property for a maximum of two weeks and not more than that. If there is a need for the guest to stay longer because the tenant needs assistance, they should ask for the landlord’s approval. You should always be aware of the guest and if the tenant followed the guest rules. If you do not check up on that, they may assume that it’s ok to stay longer.

Specific people that are allowed to stay for some time

There is always a risk when allowing tenant guests over. You do not know anything about them and there is a higher chance that something terrible might happen. People tend to be lenient when it is not their property. If something does happen, who will take responsibility?

That is why you should only allow immediate family members or close relatives and friends to be guests. They will be more likely to be careful because any problems that will occur will also be their problem. If there are house guests that are strangers to you, the tenant should seek approval to have them as guests.

Consequences for not following the policy

Nothing scares a person more than having to take responsibility for their actions. There should be consequences once they deviate from the policy to ensure that they will strictly follow the rules. Consequences can include eviction from the property.

Writing up policies can be tiring and sometimes boring, but it has to be done. You might not know it yet but you will benefit from this in the long run. 

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