What to Do and NOT Do During Inspections

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A property inspection is a must-do for every landlord. This is to check the current status of your property and to monitor issues that may cause damages in the future. As we always say, prevention is always better.

There are inspections done annually, but can a landlord do a random inspection? If the landlord feels that there is a need to check on a property, will he be allowed to enter the premises?

These are the things that you can do and what you cannot do concerning property inspections.


• Notify ahead of time

Your tenant should be aware of your visit way before the date comes. You have to keep in mind that they will not be available at all times and you should be considerate of their availability. 

Inform your tenants at least 24 hours before your inspection. It may be your property but they are paying to occupy it and they can set their boundaries. I mean, would you like it if they come to your house unannounced?

• Be present at a reasonable time

A reasonable time will be between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. If possible, specify which time you are going to be around. That way, they will not have to cancel a whole day of activities just to wait around for you. They may have other things to do.

If it is scheduled way ahead of time, remind them by sending messages or notices so they will not forget. Your time is important too.

• Schedule inspections

Your tenants should know the schedule of your routine inspections may it be annually or quarterly. It may also depend on how long is a tenant’s lease.

• Maintain tenant privacy

Always maintain a professional image when it comes to business. Respect your tenants and their privacy. You are given access behind their doors and you should not go beyond your limits.

Be polite and well-mannered at all times. You have to show them that your purpose is to make sure that no problems will occur for the duration of their stay.

• Utilize your lease agreement

Include the scheduled inspections in the lease agreement. It is common knowledge for every landlord that this document should be specific and detailed. That way, your tenant will have no reason to complain that they are uninformed about certain aspects. Of course, you still have to remind them every time but at least you will not have to explain the purpose over and over again.

• Be sensible

Perform inspections within reason and do not do it too much that your tenants become annoyed or feel intruded. Constantly notifying them can also irritate them so keep that at a minimum. You do not want to be labeled as the annoying landlord.


• Violate their right

The tenants are paying to have a house of their own and they have the right to enjoy the benefit of living in peace. When you show up in their homes without any notification, you are somewhat depriving them of that. Respect your tenants and their privacy.

• Visit unannounced

The first thing to always remember is that a landlord should inform the tenants of any inspection to be done. There are a lot of ways to communicate with them that there should be no excuse when it comes to giving notices. This is the proper protocol. The only exception to this is for emergency situations.

• Disregard state laws

Familiarizing yourself with the state laws is a significant factor in being a landlord. Keep in mind that they might differ from state to state. This includes conducting inspections. Know when the appropriate time for inspection is, to avoid any complaints against you.

• Give an unspecified notice

I have mentioned this above. Specify the date and time of your inspection. Do not expect that your tenant will be available for you anytime. Show consideration for their time and they will do the same to you.

You might be new at this so you need all the help you can get and I hope that this has been helpful. Being a landlord is not easy. It is not just creating listings at Padleads (which is highly recommended if you want your listings to be seen by potential tenants), screening tenants, and gaining profit. It is a continuous job that requires a competent landlord. Be one of those.

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